Psalm 57
by David, translated by Alan Sullivan
to the choirmaster: upon al-tash’khet, a mikh’tam of David, when he fled from Saul to a cave
01: Be gracious to me, God;be gracious unto me.
My soul shelters in you.
In the shadow of your wings,
I will find protection
until calamity passes.
02: I will cry to God on high,
to God who never fails me.
03: He will reach out from heaven,
defend me from the taunts
of one who would devour me.
God will reach out to me
with truth and loving-kindness.
04: My soul is between young lions.
I lie among those inflamed;
though they are sons of men,
their teeth are spears and arrows,
their tongues are sharp swords.
05: Be exalted above the heavens,
God, and may your glory
cover all the earth.
06: They laid a net where I tread.
My soul is weighted down.
They dug a pit before me,
and in its midst they fell.
07: My heart is steadfast, God;
my heart is ever steadfast.
I will sing and pluck the strings.
08: Awaken now, my being;
lyre and harp, awake;
then I shall wake the dawn.
09: I will celebrate you, Lord,
among the people; and sing
your praise among the nations.
10: Your kindness is vast as the heavens;
your truth, as vast as the skies.
11: Be exalted above the heavens,
God, and may your glory
cover all the earth.
By pursuit of this ensuing Linke, Readers may find a Podcast of King David’s Psalms, English’d by Alan Sullivan, in collaboration with Hebrew scholar Seree Cohen Zohar; & read by Tim Murphy, with Chant by Monsignor Robert Laliberte: