A Valentine
by Jared Carter
If life’s sure destination is decay
among dark corridors, unlighted rooms,
let us set out again to lose our way
each in the other’s burning. If night and day
no longer alternate within the tomb,
if life’s sure destination is decay,
let’s wander into fleshly fires, and stray
until we two are utterly consumed.
Let us set out again to lose our way
purged of our necessary selves, and play
each part, acknowledging no separate doom.
If life’s sure destination is decay
then playing’s all—no underling can say
the proper lines, nor prompter call the tune.
Let us set out again to lose our way.
Within improvisation there’s display
enough to last. Bright immolation looms!
If life’s sure destination is decay
let us set out again to lose our way.